Ashley Copeland

About Me

Hi, I'm Ashley Copeland. I hold several titles at Livingston Academy. I am a Special Education Case Manager, a Special Education Inclusion teacher in English, a Pre-ETS teacher (pre-employment transition services), and a Work-Based learning coordinator for our students with disabilities. 

 I graduated from Livingston Academy in 2006. I went to Carson Newman college for one semester and then I moved back home to go to Tennessee Tech University. I received my B.S. in Elementary Education in 2010.

 I began looking for a job and was given the opportunity to teach Kindergarten at Allons Elementary. The following year there were not enough teaching positions to go around so I was given the opportunity to work at Rickman Elementary as a special education assistant. This job was a game changer for me. I found a love for students with disabilities, and I really wanted to know more about how to help them in the regular education classroom.

 I decided to go back to Tennessee Tech and work towards a masters degree in special education. I received a M.A. in Special Education in 2013. I kept working in regular education for a couple of years and then in 2015, I began working in a special education classroom at A.H. Roberts. During this job, I learned a lot about what it takes to be a special education teacher. I was tested, stretched, pulled, and adored in this classroom. Working as a special education teacher was a whole new world for me! I finally felt like I was making a difference and I was where God wanted me to be. 

 In 2018, I accepted a position at Livingston Academy (my alma mater) as a Special Education English Inclusion Teacher. I was a Wildcat again and I was/am so proud! Once A Wildcat, Always A Wildcat!

 I am so excited to begin my 6th year at Livingston Academy, the home of the Wildcats! Our faculty is the BEST and I love it here! My favorite part about being a special educator at LA is watching my students transition from high school to adult life in our community. Our students are amazing and there are no limits to what they can and will do! Our students work so hard every day and I can't wait to watch them be adults in Overton County. 

 Aside from school, I have an amazing husband, Kyle, who allows me to dream big! We have been married for 11 years in May 2024. We have two beautiful children that the Lord has blessed us with. Koda (8) and Kole (6). They keep us on our toes, and we are constantly on the go! We live on a small farm in Hardy's Chapel. God has really blessed the both of us with more than we deserve! 

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